
I failed it again

Last winter I bought these four different, but look a like materials with dots - black with small white dots, black with big white dots, purple with pink dots and navy blue (almost black) with light blue dots. In that time I didn't know that dots will now be so popular, but good for me :) Since than I'm trying to find some time to convert this materials in some beautiful wardorobe picces.
At first, I tought that this weekend could be perfect to start with that, but as always, there was something else to do before. This weekend weather was so perfect, two really hot summer days (even to hot if you ask me), so I tought it's better to spend them outside.
But, I really, really want to design and sew something (altough I'm not really specialist for that, but practice makes us perfect, don't you think so). It is really good feeling to wear something you made by your self. Because of that, I decided to leave everything on the table, maybe that will persuade me to start working, everyday after I come home from work.
I have few ideas for this materials, but I haven't still decided what exactly would I do with them. Do you have any idea?

Zimus sam kupila ova četiri različita, ali slična materijala s točkicama - crni sa malim bijelim točkama, crni s velikim bijelim točkama, ljubičasti s rozim točkama i modri (gotovo crni) sa svijetlo plavim točkicama. U to vrijeme nisam znala da će točkice sada biti toliko popularne, ali još bolje za mene :) Od tada sam pokušava pronaći slobodno vrijeme da pretvorim ove materijale u neke lijepe odjevne komade.
Isprva sam mislila da bi ovaj vikend mogao biti savršen da se počnem baviti time, ali kao i uvijek, postojalo je nešto drugo za napraviti prije toga. Vrijeme je ovaj vikend bilo tako savršeno, dva prava ljetna dana (čak i malo prevruća, ako mene pitate), pa sam odlučila da je bolje provesti ih vani.
Ali ja stvarno, stvarno želim dizajnirati i sašiti ​​nešto (iako i nisam baš neki stručnjak za to, ali praksom do savršenstva, zar ne?). Stvarno je dobar osjećaj nositi nešto što ste sami napravili. Zato sam odlučila sve ostaviti na stolu, pa me možda to uvjeri da počnem raditi, svaki dan pomalo kada dođem s posla.
Imam nekoliko ideja za ove materijale, ali nisam još točno odlučila što bih s njima. Imate li kakvih ideja?

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