Dreft Fashion Week Zagreb - Day 3.
Well, all three days of Dreft Fashion Week Zagreb finished, as I already said it was well organized event. I did not appreciate too many collections, I would buy just few pieces, and the third day was definitely the best. I'm not expert for fashion, don't get me wrong, but my personal opinion is that the organizers could find much better designers. but I appreciate all the effort that the designers have put into creating their own collections, and certainly everyone will find his customer, because, ultimately, we all have different tastes. All in all, I'm happy I had a chance to enjoy this event.
Pa, sva tri dana Dreft Fashion Weeka Zagreb su gotova, i kako sam već prije rekla, riječ je o dobro organiziranom događaju. Nije mi se svidjela većina kolekcija, ali postoji nekoliko komada koji su mi zapeli za oko, a mislim da je treći dan bio najzanimljiviji - osim ako nije krivo ono vino sa Festivala vina :) (šalim se). Nisam neki stručnjak za modu, i nemojte me shvatiti krivo, ali mislim da su organizatori mogli naći i bolje dizajnere (ne bih sve zamjenila, naravno). Ipak, cijenim trud koji je svaki od dizajnera uložio u stvaranje svojih kolekcija i vjerujem da će svatko od njih naći svoga kupca, jer, na koncu, svi imamo različite ukuse. Ali, sve u svemu, sretna sam što sam imala šansu uživati u ovom događaju.
Ana Ćavar presented her collections in several solo shows in Zagreb Puppet Theatre, FWZ-in, Modni ormar and Zlatna igla. She also works as a costume designer in many performances in theaters across the country. Studio Artiđana won the Audience Award for best collection at the 7th FWZ and the Manda award for best collection at the 8th FWZ-in. Ana and her studio Artiđana are in DFWZ in the past few years.
Ana Ćavar svoje je kolekcije predstavila na nekoliko samostalnih revija u Zagrebačkom kazalištu lutaka, FWZ-u, Modnom ormaru i Zlatnoj igli. Bavi se i kostimografijom na mnogim predstavama u kazalištima diljem zemlje. Studio Artiđana dobitnik je nagrade publike za najbolju kolekciju na 7. FWZ-u i nagrade Manda za najbolju kolekciju na 8. FWZ-u. Ana sa studiom Artiđana nastupa na DFWZ-u već nekoliko godina.
This designer from London so far worked for Alexander McQueen, Jonathan Saunders and Gareth Pugh, before she developed her own brand. All her clothes are manufactured in England. Her work was presented in Vogue, The Observer, Elle, Sunday Times Style and others.
Dizajnerica s londonskom adresom dosad je radila za Alexandera McQueena, Jonathana Saundersa i Gareth Pugh, prije nego je osmislila vlastiti brend. Sve njezine haljine su proizvedene u Engleskoj. O njoj su dosad pisali u Vogueu, The Observeru, Elle, Sunday Times Style i drugdje.
Designer from beautiful island Hvar became known to the fashion public in 1999. when he introduced his first shoe collection. In Hvar 2003. Rico has opened an exclusive store, and two years after he showed his first men's collection. Today is one of the few Croatian designers who are engaged in male dress.
Dizajner s prelijepog Hvara je modnoj javnosti postao poznat od 1999. godine kada se predstavio svojim prvim kolekcijama obuće. U Hvaru 2003. Rico je otvorio ekskluzivni dućan, a dvije godine nakon pokazao i svoju prvu mušku kolekciju. Danas je jedan od rijetkih domaćih dizajnera koji se bavi muškim odijevanjem.
CAPARA - Antwerp
Sisters Vera and Olivera Capara are born in Sarajevo, grew up in Germany, and founded their brand Capara in Antwerp in Belgium. Both are graduates of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts. They soon received an invitation to Paris Fashion Week, and collection they made last collection for the Jil Sander in Milan.
Sestre Vera i Olivera Capara rođene su u Sarajevu, odrasle u Njemačkoj , a brend Capara osnovale u belgijskom Antwerpu. Obje su diplomirale pri Royal Academy of Fine Arts. Ubrzo su dobile pozivnicu za pariški Tjedan mode, a posljednju kolekciju radile su za Jila Sandera iz Milana.
This Croatian designer presented her collection on last Cro-a-porter, and than she collaborated with Croatian band Vatra, and this time, again she collaborated with musicians, well known Croatian band Let 3 (I love them :))
Na posljednjem Cro-a-porteru Ivana Popović je kolekciju predstavila uz pratnju benda Vatra, a za ovaj put izabrala je naš poznati, blesavi bend koji obožavam, Let 3.
All photos are by Borna Čavrag Photography
Dreft Fashion Week Zagreb - Day 2.
I'm having a very lazy Sunday, I dreamed about this kind of day last two weeks. Yesterday I've spent whole day at Vine festival in Zagreb where I attended some workshops about vines of different part of Croatia and tasted food that goes well with that vines, and whole day I've been tasting amazing vines. If you love vines, and have a chance to taste the vines from Croatia, I recommend you to definitely try them, white or black, never mind, both are amazing. Little tipsy I ran to the last day of Dreft fashion Week Zagreb, but before of that I need to show you second day.
Uživam u lijenoj nedjelji, danima sam maštala o ovako provedenom danu. Jučer sam cijeli dan provela u hotelu Esplanada na Međunarodnom festivalu vina i kulinarstva gdje sam sudjelovala na radionicama o vinima određenih regija, gdje smo uz kušanje vina jeli i prigodnu hranu koja se dobro slaže uz njih, a osim na radioniama i na festivali sam kušala valjda stotinu vina. Divan dan i mogu zaključiti (iako sam to već znala), da imamo stvarno fantastična vina, bijela ili crna, sasvim svejedno. Pomalo pripita odjurila sam na posljednju večer Dreft Fashion Weeka Zagreb, ali vam prije toga dugujem pregled druge večeri.
Bruno Basso & Brooke Christopher pioneered the digital printing in the fashion world, what brought them the prestigious Fashion Fringe Award. Vogue has placed them on their list as "one that is worth a look," and they were awarded as the "Best New designers" of the Elle Style. Their name in America has become a hit after their clothing appeared on first lady Michelle Obama. Their designs we saw on the bottle of Coca Cola, various wines, Red Bull, Sky HD, TIGI, book covers, Converse "All Stars", and they worked with Harrods, Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY, Havaianas, Swarovski and others.
„Basso & Brook su Pixar odjevnih predmeta“, napisao je Tim Blanks za Style.com. Bruno Basso & Christopher Brooke pioniri su digitalnog printa u svjetskoj modi, što im je donijelo prestižnu nagradu Fashion Fringe Award. Vogue ih je smjestio na njihovu listu kao „one koje vrijedi pogledati“, a nagrađeni su i nagradom „Najbolji novi dizajenri“ koju dodjeljuje Elle Style. Njihovo ime u Americi je postalo hit nakon što se u njihovoj odjeći pojavila Prva dama Michelle Obama. Obukli su bočicu Coca Cole , razna vina, Red Bull, Sky HD, TIGI, naslovnice knjiga, Converse „Starke“, surađivali sa Harrodsom, Metropolitan museom of Art NY, Havaianas, Swarovskim i drugima.
Well, you all heard for s.OLiver, so I think there is no need to write more about them. Only that they presented Selection by s.Oliver and line s.Oliver Casual, collection S/S 2012.
MIslim da svi sve znate o s.Oliveru pa nema smisla da vam ih dodatno predstavljam, mogu samo reći da su ovdje predstavili Selection by s. Oliver i liniju s.Oliver Casual, kolekcija proljeće/ljeto 2012.
Natalija presented her work at numerous shows during the school: Modni gušter in Varazdin, Modna sirena in Opatija, and since 2006 g. twice a year at Fashion Week, starting first with young designers, and now the sixth time with independent collections.
Natalija se do sada predstavila na mnogobrojnim revijama u sklopu školovanja: Modnoj gušterici u Varaždinu, Modnoj sireni u Opatiji te od 2006 g. dva puta godišnje na Fashion Weeku, počevši među mladim dizajnerima, a sada već šesti put sa samostalnom kolekcijom.
Bad Spirit in 1994. was founded by graphic designer Massimo Sabbadin. His philosophy is "Rock'n'roll never dies", and his collections are just like that.
Bad Spirit je 1994. godine osnovao grafički dizajner Massimo Sabbadin. Njegova filozofija je – “Rock'n'roll never dies!”, a upravo takve su mu i kolekcije.
In 1995. she opened a fashion studio Fatal in Zagreb. From 2002. year she began to cooperate with the Croatian designers (Miracul, Zoran Aragović, Ma.h ...). In 2003. she founded her own fashion brand and since then she has been dealing exclusively with the creation of day and cocktail dresses for ladies with urban style.
1995. godine otvara modni studio Fatal u Importanne Centru u Zagrebu. Od 2002. godine započinje surađivati s hrvatskim dizajnerima (Miracul, Zoran Aragović, Ma.H…). 2003. godine osniva svoju modnu marku i od tada se bavi isključivo kreiranjem dnevnih i koktel haljina za urbane dame sa stilom.
Swiss who grew up with grandfather who is also engaged in manufacturing women's clothing. Love for fashion led him to New York, where he worked with "threeASFOUR". It soon became a familiar name with runways of London Fashion Week.
Švicarac koji je odrastao uz djeda koji se također bavio proizvodnjom ženske odjeće. Ljubav prema modi odvela ga je do New Yorka, gdje je radio s “threeASFOUR”. Uskoro je postao poznato ime s piste londonskog Tjedna mode.
All photos are by Borna Čavrag Photography
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