
Kasia Struss & Bambi Northwood-Blyth for SET Spring 2012 Lookbook

I have a feeling that last ten days all I do is working, because it is like that :) So, all I think of last few days is Dreft Fashion Week Zagreb and I can't wait it to take me far, far away from my normal life. And I'll show you everything, of course.
But till then here is Spring 2012 Lookbook of German based label SET, I really like everything in this lookbook, from clothing, jewelry to accessories. I thought they don't have a store in Croatia, but allegedly it's possible to find their clothes here. I have to check that. SET enlists the top model duo of Kasia Struss and Bambi Northwood-Blyth for its latest lookbook, inspired by the rock and roll aesthetic of the 1970′s with casual denim, suede, leather and lightweight knits in a neutral color palette. Accessories include oversize hats, understated jewelry and bohemian accents for all the spring essentials.

Imam osjećaj da posljednjih deset dana samo radim, vjerojatno jer je to točno :) Zato posljednjih dana stalno razmišljam o Dreft Fashion Week Zagreb koji od četvrtka do subote traje u Hypo Centru i jedva čekam da me odvede daleko, daleko od moje svakodnevice. Naravno, napravit ću pregled svih večeri tako da i oni koji nisu išli uživaju barem preko kompa.
A do tada predstavljam Lookbook njemačkog branda SET za proljeće 2012. Sviđa mi se sve u ovom lookbooku, od odjeće, preko nakita do ostalih dodataka (usput rečeno, imamo li mi riječ za accessories?). Mislila sam da nemaju trgovinu ovdje, ali na njihovoj stranici se spominje nekakav DIVISIO D.O.O. na Malešnici (zna li netko nešto o tome?).
Top modeli Kasia Struss i Bambi Northwood-Blyth glavne su zvijezde lookbooka inspiriranog od rock and roll stilom 1970-ih s casual traperom, antilopom, kožom i laganim pletivima u neutralnim paletama boja. Modni dodaci uključuju velike kape, nakit i druge boemske detalje.

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