Cro-a-porter F-W/12
Prva večer Cro-a-portera održala se u Kući za ljude i umjetnost Lauba na Črnomercu, koja me apsolutno oduševila i da se mene pita, sve revije bih organizirala tamo. Kuća je izgrađena 1910. godine i služila je kao jahaonica u sklopu vojnog kompleksa austrougarske vojske, a kasnije postaje tkaonica Tekstilnog kombinata Zagreb. Odličan prostor i moram otići tamo na neku izložbu da prostor doživim onako kako je planirano.
Uglavnom, večer je bila zanimljiva, iako ne volim kad nešto kasni sat vremena jer se čekaju zvijezde, a za oko su mi zapela tri brenda.
Otvorila ju je revije XD Xenia Design koja je uvijek vjerna svome stilu i u čijim kolekcijama uvijek nađem nešto za sebe. Slijedio je DIORALOP, brend koji stvaraju Andreja Bistričić & Maja Merlić i ovaj put posvećen muškarcima. Već prepoznatljivi printevi na dobrom dizajnu jako su mi se svidjeli, iako u Hrvatskoj nema baš muškaraca koji bi obukli suknju, iako je poznajem dvojicu pravih muškaraca na kojima to izgleda prirodnije nego na meni :) Manekeni su "ukrašeni" lažnim tetovažama i izgledali su baš moćno, što mi se također svidjelo.
Nakon njih uslijedili su Madame Demode & Tamara Bombardelli, gdje sam našla par zanimljivih komada i gdje su mi se posebno svidjele romantične frizure na manekenkama.
The first night of the Cro-a-Porter was held in the Home for people and art in Lauba, which absolutely thrilled me and if you ask me, I would organized all the shows there. The house was built in 1910th year and served as riding spece in military complex in the Austrian army, and later becomes a weaving Textile Combine Zagreb. A great place and I have to go there on an exhibition to see the space as is planned.
Basically, the evening was interesting, although I do not like when something is delayed an hour because they are waiting for the stars. I liked three brands that night.
Show opened XD Xenia Design, which is always true to her style and in whose collections I always find something for myself. Than followed DIORALOP, a brand that create Andrea Bistricic & Maja Merlić, this time dedicated to the men. I really liked already identifiable prints on good design, although I think that there are no man in Croatia who would put on a skirt, although I know two real men which look more natural in a dress than I do :) Models were "decorated" with fake tattoos and looked very powerful, which I also liked.
After them followed Madame Demode & Tamara Bombardelli, where I found a couple of interesting pieces, and where I especially liked the romantic hairstyles on models.
And yes, I really, really, really like this leather jacket :)
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Fantasticno! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiLove the first all black outfit.
Love the all black outfits.
Amazing post :D like the blog too!
OdgovoriIzbrišiHope you'll visit me, I will be grateful <3
Kisses, Elena
I really like your blog dear!
OdgovoriIzbrišiKeep posting, you do it great!
Nice look.
super post, nemoj da prestajes sa blogovanjem! www.moiminnie.blogspot.com xx
OdgovoriIzbrišiGreat Post! thanks so much for sharing!
OdgovoriIzbrišilove Storm
amazing collection, thanks for sharing <3
OdgovoriIzbrišiwant to follow each other? i will defiently follow back
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I'm in love with the first look :)
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nice collection :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiJoin my first giveaway and win Thboxes accessories of your choice
The collection is gorgeous. I love the cool leather jacket too <3
wow! supercool!!!
OdgovoriIzbrišilove your blog!!
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great collection! :)
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Love the 2nd dress from the top!
OdgovoriIzbrišiAmazing pics!!!
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Chic With The Least
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amazing collection!
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